forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Mojack group

OUUUUU MY CAT SCRATCHED MY CHEST (by accident, he had no intent on doing it and was just happy to see me BUT IT REALLY HURTS)

wow what a way to start the new page….

@Kie group

OUUUUU MY CAT SCRATCHED MY CHEST (by accident, he had no intent on doing it and was just happy to see me BUT IT REALLY HURTS)

I know your pain all too well.


Me: actually being productive

Big Sad: bursts through the door
“wELP guys I know we were doing great and managed to stay completely chill even during drama but mom just said “so you don’t want the food i’m making?” when I asked if I could microwave a sandwich so now it’s time to curl up in a ball and feel like a terrible person for the rest of the day cause I unintentionally insulted my mother making me the world’s worst child ever and I deserve all the pain

@Moxie group

Me: actually being productive

Big Sad: bursts through the door
“wELP guys I know we were doing great and managed to stay completely chill even during drama but mom just said “so you don’t want the food i’m making?” when I asked if I could microwave a sandwich so now it’s time to curl up in a ball and feel like a terrible person for the rest of the day cause I unintentionally insulted my mother making me the world’s worst child ever and I deserve all the pain

No, your mom is just guilt tripping you.
You’re doing great dude

@Pickles group

Me: actually being productive

Big Sad: bursts through the door
“wELP guys I know we were doing great and managed to stay completely chill even during drama but mom just said “so you don’t want the food i’m making?” when I asked if I could microwave a sandwich so now it’s time to curl up in a ball and feel like a terrible person for the rest of the day cause I unintentionally insulted my mother making me the world’s worst child ever and I deserve all the pain

No, your mom is just guilt tripping you.
You’re doing great dude



I don’t think she was trying to guilt trip me either, I just think she was asking if I even knew what we were having cause she hadn’t told me and wasn’t even making it yet

I’m just overly sensitive to these things

@Pickles group

My friend called me today and I could actually answer because my earbuds have a microphone. It was really awkward but I love him

@Kie group

I don’t think she was trying to guilt trip me either, I just think she was asking if I even knew what we were having cause she hadn’t told me and wasn’t even making it yet

I’m just overly sensitive to these things

No, you're not. She was definitely trying to guilt trip. If she weren't trying to, she would've said something like "You know we're having _____ for dinner, right?"