forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

For the record, he isn't obsessed with alcohol, he actually hates the taste of it. It's Danny's own pessimism that caused him to even pick up a bottle of whiskey in the first place—because it calms Danny down.

so like
when you drink for fun and went out for your birthday and stuff
you hated the taste?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh Fern. I don't know if Lee would be okay with you telling us this.

I'd rather explain to people that he's in pain and watch them turn away, potentially having Lee tell me off later, than not saying anything at all and just let people get away with hurting him.
I don't care… I don't like seeing Lee in this state, and it's people who like to pick out the smallest flaw about him that make him feel even worse. For the record, he isn't obsessed with alcohol, he actually hates the taste of it. It's Danny's own pessimism that caused him to even pick up a bottle of whiskey in the first place—because it calms Danny down.

I see. Honestly I don't know if Lee and I will ever be good threads. But I'm not gonna turn away. Lee is different. I don't understand it really. But I'm pretty chill nonetheless.

Deleted user

Why is it that every time someone disagrees with you, your excuse for being wrong is that you're in a terrible mental state or one of your kin did it?

@The-Magician group

Why is it that every time someone disagrees with you, your excuse for being wrong is that you're in a terrible mental state or one of your kin did it?

You have to understand that we are different people.
You have no fucking clue what any of us are going through and you have no right to make a comment about it.
You do not have the right to question anything that goes on with us.


why do you have to turn everything you disagree with from anyone you aren't best friends with into personal insults and petty, passive-aggressive clapbacks?
you aren't spilling any hot tea or anything you just kind of sound like a prick

edit: talking to mir.

Deleted user

why do you have to turn everything you disagree with from anyone you aren't best friends with into personal insults and petty, passive-aggressive clapbacks?
you aren't spilling any hot tea or anything you just kind of sound like a prick

edit: talking to mir.

If I disagree with someone I'll say it, even if they are a friend.
If the point of calling me a prick is to make me feel bad and think "oh my god, maybe I'm doing everything wrong," then it won't work. Especially not when it's coming from a 14 year old.

Why do you always defend everyone and try to stop everyone's conflicts? Sometimes people just need to fight it out.

Anyway. I think it was you who said we should take this to rudeness. I'm waiting.


why do you have to turn everything you disagree with from anyone you aren't best friends with into personal insults and petty, passive-aggressive clapbacks?
you aren't spilling any hot tea or anything you just kind of sound like a prick

edit: talking to mir.

If I disagree with someone I'll say it, even if they are a friend.


If the point of calling me a prick is to make me feel bad and think "oh my god, maybe I'm doing everything wrong," then it won't work. Especially not when it's coming from a 14 year old.

nah, i wasn't calling you a prick to make you question anything.
i was saying it cause,
you sound like a prick.

you're going on to threads specifically dedicated to venting and then picking everything apart like you're fucking Ben Shapiro with all the fax and logic that don't give a care about feelings or whatever, then continue to complain inconsistently about every little tragic thing that's happened to you and expect people to come running to support you with hugs and pity

and also you're 16 at max don't even try the age thing we're both idiot children and we hopefully know it

Why do you always defend everyone and try to stop everyone's conflicts? Sometimes people just need to fight it out.

Because it's my fucking thread and you're deliberately breaking the rules???
You can fight it out all you want, but not here.
Let people be.

Anyway. I think it was you who said we should take this to rudeness. I'm waiting.

Yep, i did.
So go take it there.
I'm not part of this, I shouldn't have to do it all for you.

Deleted user

why do you have to turn everything you disagree with from anyone you aren't best friends with into personal insults and petty, passive-aggressive clapbacks?
you aren't spilling any hot tea or anything you just kind of sound like a prick

edit: talking to mir.

If I disagree with someone I'll say it, even if they are a friend.


If the point of calling me a prick is to make me feel bad and think "oh my god, maybe I'm doing everything wrong," then it won't work. Especially not when it's coming from a 14 year old.

nah, i wasn't calling you a prick to make you question anything.
i was saying it cause,
you sound like a prick.

Nice opinion. I, along with many others, disagree. But k.

you're going on to threads specifically dedicated to venting and then picking everything apart like you're fucking Ben Shapiro with all the fax and logic that don't give a care about feelings or whatever, then continue to complain inconsistently about every little tragic thing that's happened to you and expect people to come running to support you with hugs and pity

When… When does that ever happen? Do you mean when I vent about my PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses? Okay, then I'll stop venting, I guess. Didn't know that was the point of this, but shrug.

and also you're 16 at max don't even try the age thing we're both idiot children and we hopefully know it

Shut the fuck up. You know nothing about me or my age. And I am most certainly not an 'idiot child.'

Why do you always defend everyone and try to stop everyone's conflicts? Sometimes people just need to fight it out.

Because it's my fucking thread and you're deliberately breaking the rules???
You can fight it out all you want, but not here.
Let people be.

Anyway. I think it was you who said we should take this to rudeness. I'm waiting.

Yep, i did.
So go take it there.
I'm not part of this, I shouldn't have to do it all for you.

Well, you are now.

Deleted user

Someday you'll have to acknowledge that not everything is sunshine and rainbows and friendship.

@Anemone eco

Why? Why must there, every single fucking day, have to be some kind of petty drama? It's just ridiculous. Following simple rules given by the owner of a thread shouldn't be this hard. Age doesn't mean shit, rules are rules. I think people should feel safe to vent here without a stupid argument breaking out over it. You can vent about whatever, but a fight doesn't always need to happen over it. And, if for whatever reason, one does, just take it to Rudeness as Ella said. It's what the chat is basically for.


Why? Why must there, every single fucking day, have to be some kind of petty drama? It's just ridiculous. Following simple rules given by the owner of a thread shouldn't be this hard. Age doesn't mean shit, rules are rules. I think people should feel safe to vent here without a stupid argument breaking out over it. You can vent about whatever, but a fight doesn't always need to happen over it. And, if for whatever reason, one does, just take it to Rudeness as Ella said. It's what the chat is basically for.

Louder for the people in the back


Life is indeed not sunshine and rainbows, I think Ella understand's this, that does not mean she has to let it get to her. I understand the world is a garbage place, that doesn't mean I have to give up on friends and sunshine and rainbows, because those things exist in the garbage place. She can chose to focus on the good things rather than the bad, that's called being optimistic. There is nothing wrong with looking on the bright side.
I understand you are frustrated with another user, That should be between the two of you. Not out here, especially not this thread. There are designated places for arguments, this is not one of them.

Deleted user

Miriam. I've had it with your shit. I've been trying to keep quiet this whole time but I am fucking done. You need to back off and start acting like a mature adult and let things go. That goes for the rest of you who were in involved in this too.
If you say you're not a little fucking kid, then start acting like it.
This is a venting space and not some playing field for your petty bullshit.
If you really have a problem with any of us, then take it to the pms because honestly? This is getting tiring. I'm pretty sure that some of us here, if not most of us, think you are in fact a fucking prick.
It seems as if though you always have something to say about everything. Just keep your mouth shut for once if you have nothing nice to say, like most of us do. It's not that hard.


When… When does that ever happen? Do you mean when I vent about my PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses? Okay, then I'll stop venting, I guess. Didn't know that was the point of this, but shrug.

yes. that is what it's for.
however it gets a little hypocritical when you vent all the time yet when other people vent about similar issues you have to try and call them out instead of just letting them talk without fact checking and defining every word used

Shut the fuck up. You know nothing about me or my age. And I am most certainly not an 'idiot child.'

well you aren't really acting like it, are you
and yes, actually, i do. i have a general idea of your age based on your past responses, hints, vents, stories, etc
i know that 1. you are not an adult
and 2. you are older than 11
that's it
therefore you are still in the possible category of "idiot child", along with me, and the majority of my friends
it's ok
that's normal
i did not mean it as a personal attack as much as a "younger humans are dumb" kind of general thing