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That's the same for over here as well. No one is truly free, not really, no matter what country they are born in.
This is why I plan to fall from the grid at some point, because I don't want to deal with society anymore. I would rather live in a world where nature has claimed it for its own and there are only a select few humans who have to potentially repopulate the planet. I want to live in a world where it's hunt or be hunted, where you need tracking skills to survive and the knowledge of how to start a fire with the bare minimum of equipment.
You're either thinking "that's a dumb idea" or "that's a good idea". It's neither.
It's not dumb, because in a sense, living in that kind of world allows you to adapt as a human—provided you survive long enough.
But it's not good because there is so much emotional, physical, and mental trauma that comes with it because the new environment will come as a great shock to the system. Most people panic in those kinds of situations, and it's when you start to panic that you make mistakes. But being anxious also keeps you alert, and in a world where you need to hunt to survive, being attentive is what will save your life.

Sorry.. I'm just having a moment..

Do you like Tolkien, I feel like you would like Tolkien. He was a very strong anti-industrialist.

@The-Magician group

Uh. I'd like to say that I believe the benefits of modern society far outweigh those of just living in the wild. Half of the people you know probably wouldn't be alive in a 'hunt to survive' situation where you need to be very knowledgable just to do a task that modernization has made simple.

I'm well aware that there will always be a group of people whose situation sucks but nothing can really be done to balance everything out.

We don't need the benefits of society to survive. We don't need electricity or central heating, they are all a luxury that has made us lazy. As for those dying in a 'hunt to survive' situation, that's kind of the point. Only the strongest survive, and in a situation where you need to repopulate the earth it is better to only have the strongest survive because they can pass on their skills and knowledge to their children who will become just as strong as them.

If you were to wake up one day and find yourself with 5 other people, the industrial world has been completely demolished and nature has started to thrive again. Animals that were once extinct are now coming back into existence, and predators lurk in every corner in both animal and plant form, and you are only given a rucksack with some items you may need to survive.
Would you even try?
Would you try to survive even when you've lost everything? Or would you give up because you're so used to the comforts of an industrialized society that you cant even function in a wild world?

@The-Magician group

Do you like Tolkien, I feel like you would like Tolkien. He was a very strong anti-industrialist.

I looked into his work, I couldn't really get into it if I'm honest.

@Moxie group

Why does strongest and best at survival in the wild = most worthy of survival? What about people who have important knowledge like medical knowledge that may be physically weaker? (Not trying to argue with you, just curious about your thoughts)

@The-Magician group

Why does strongest and best at survival in the wild = most worthy of survival? What about people who have important knowledge like medical knowledge that may be physically weaker? (Not trying to argue with you, just curious about your thoughts)

Ah, I left that bit out.
I never said that the strongest were those who are physically strong.
The strongest of mankind are those who know medicine to an extent where they are able to tell what wild plants are likely to be safe enough for medicine. Those who can engage with animals on a level where they can gain their trust in the new world. Those who know how to build shelter, like an architect.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So, update on my brain last night:
It was a really weird feeling that ended with me having a panic attack, sobbing, and eventually falling asleep where I had a PTSD nightmare. I was my dad, he was in highschool, and his ex-girlfriend named Stacy who died in a car accident that year was there. There was a snap and suddenly things were happening that are much too terrible to put here.

But that's PTSD for you.

Sorry bb.

@Kie group

Would you even try?
Would you try to survive even when you've lost everything? Or would you give up because you're so used to the comforts of an industrialized society that you cant even function in a wild world?

I wouldn't try because if I'd lost everything there would be nothing to try for. Reaching the point we had previously achieved would be damn near impossible (and could take multiple lifetimes) considering the majority of people wouldn't know what to do or where to start. It'd just be mass panic and to wish for that is one of the most stupid things a person can do in my opinion because the events leading up to that would have to be fucking devastating.

Edit: I also think that most people would consider giving up upon such an event.

@The-Magician group

Would you even try?
Would you try to survive even when you've lost everything? Or would you give up because you're so used to the comforts of an industrialized society that you cant even function in a wild world?

I wouldn't try because if I'd lost everything there would be nothing to try for. Reaching the point we had previously achieved would be damn near impossible considering the majority of people wouldn't know what to do or where to start. It'd just be mass panic and to wish for that is one of the most stupid things a person can do in my opinion because the events leading up to that would have to be fucking devastating.

Oh trust me I know.
I've thought about it, about the world falling to chaos. It's scary, but somewhat comforting.
If I survived a situation like that and was forced to thrive in a new world, I would do it. I'd keep on living for the hope that perhaps I could live in a better world than the one we already live in.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Don't be ashamed of your country's history.
Every country has done terrible things.
My country still gets extra crap for the holocaust.
But without those terrible things we wouldn't be where we are today.
Sure, the holocaust was a fucked up thing– I would know, my family was directly affected– but we also gained research and learned about how our actions can fuck with other people.

This is not to say that this stuff is good. I'm just saying that to avoid something similar happening, we can't be ashamed. We need to acknowledge that this happened and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Exactly. I may not like it but I fully agree with this.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But Lee, I think it is good that we are weak. We have developed to a point that we have a society that allows many who would be weak and die to thrive. Sure, we are all weaker because of it, but that means that the weak have a better chance to live. I think it's probably a morally good tradeoff.
Plus we don't have to be weak. We are just predisposed to be based on our society.

@The-Magician group

But Lee, I think it is good that we are weak. We have developed to a point that we have a society that allows many who would be weak and die to thrive. Sure, we are all weaker because of it, but that means that the weak have a better chance to live. I think it's probably a morally good tradeoff.
Plus we don't have to be weak. We are just predisposed to be based on our society.

We don't have to be weak, but I believe that it is those who choose to be that would not survive in a new world.
These are all just my personal beliefs, and you can say they're stupid I don't care.

@The-Magician group

I highly doubt you actually know how to successfully fall off the grid but go off I guess

I highly doubt it as well, currently, which is why I need to keep planning for a couple more years.

@Pickles group

You seem a little eager to be tasked with repopulating the world, but there's a whole lot of us left. And if almost everyone died off, I don't think you'd be the one to survive

@Kie group

We don't have to be weak, but I believe that it is those who choose to be that would not survive in a new world.
These are all just my personal beliefs, and you can say they're stupid I don't care.

Some people don't have a choice as to whether or not they are weak. What the hell do you think is gonna happen to diabetics, people with cancer, etc.? Some people need our technology to live. We'll never be able to have a truly strong population with so many illnesses that will kill people because they lack the basic technology to prevent them. Who's gonna inherit knowledge if there's nobody to share it/share it with?

@The-Magician group

You seem a little eager to be tasked with repopulating the world, but there's a whole lot of us left. And if almost everyone died off, I don't think you'd be the one to survive

shrugs Cool, that's your personal opinion. And it's a mindset like that which I don't believe would be able to survive either.

@The-Magician group

We don't have to be weak, but I believe that it is those who choose to be that would not survive in a new world.
These are all just my personal beliefs, and you can say they're stupid I don't care.

Some people don't have a choice as to whether or not they are weak. What the hell do you think is gonna happen to diabetics, people with cancer, etc.? Some people need our technology to live. We'll never be able to have a truly strong population with so many illnesses that will kill people because they lack the basic technology to prevent them. Who's gonna inherit knowledge if there's nobody to share it/share it with?

You make a valid point, and it is one that I have neither thought nor cared about.

@Pickles group

You seem a little eager to be tasked with repopulating the world, but there's a whole lot of us left. And if almost everyone died off, I don't think you'd be the one to survive

shrugs Cool, that's your personal opinion. And it's a mindset like that which I don't believe would be able to survive either.

Thankfully I am not an 18 year old obsessed with alcohol, so my opinions on whether one could survive don't actually affect my ability to survive

@Pickles group

We don't have to be weak, but I believe that it is those who choose to be that would not survive in a new world.
These are all just my personal beliefs, and you can say they're stupid I don't care.

Some people don't have a choice as to whether or not they are weak. What the hell do you think is gonna happen to diabetics, people with cancer, etc.? Some people need our technology to live. We'll never be able to have a truly strong population with so many illnesses that will kill people because they lack the basic technology to prevent them. Who's gonna inherit knowledge if there's nobody to share it/share it with?

You make a valid point, and it is one that I have neither thought nor cared about.

Careful Kie, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself on that edge

@The-Magician group

You seem a little eager to be tasked with repopulating the world, but there's a whole lot of us left. And if almost everyone died off, I don't think you'd be the one to survive

shrugs Cool, that's your personal opinion. And it's a mindset like that which I don't believe would be able to survive either.

Thankfully I am not an 18 year old obsessed with alcohol, so my opinions on whether one could survive don't actually affect my ability to survive

Thankfully I'm not obsessed with alcohol to the point where I allow it to cloud my judgement.

That is all. I'm done.