forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

What's up with the Damn " :/ " Every time i make a mistake!?

Deleted user

Don't be ashamed of your country's history.
Every country has done terrible things.
My country still gets extra crap for the holocaust.
But without those terrible things we wouldn't be where we are today.
Sure, the holocaust was a fucked up thing– I would know, my family was directly affected– but we also gained research and learned about how our actions can fuck with other people.

This is not to say that this stuff is good. I'm just saying that to avoid something similar happening, we can't be ashamed. We need to acknowledge that this happened and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Deleted user

Holocaust level genocide events have happened numerous times since the end of WWII…..but I digress.

@Anemone eco

What's up with the Damn " :/ " Every time i make a mistake!?

People are going to do that to you. A lot. Just ignore it. Calling attention to it will only give them more fuel. It's not so much the fact that you made a mistake as much as it is you. A lot of people here don't like you the best and they're going to make it known. Just chill out a little about it, 'kay?


I don’t pop up here often, but I’m going to agree: it’s pretty much every single country on earth that’s done something that can be considered bad or wrong. Like my country Switzerland has most definitely done some stuff like our banking during WW2 in which we screwed over the relatives of the victims of WW2 when they attempted to get their money back (WHILE STILL MAKING INTEREST FROM IT), and also the fact we were pretty much the main bankers for the Nazis at the time. Learning about it today might be troubling but essentially like Miri said, we learn it so that history doesn’t repeat itself.

Because we learn that, “okay, that was a mistake, maybe that wasn’t rational,” etc we learn a new lesson and can ask further questions on “how can we avoid this?

I personally don’t think anyone should be completely ashamed of their country’s history. There are terrible things Canada has done and they were probably horrible for the people affected at the time, but that was a while ago and a lot of Canadians from what I’ve seen see that action as wrong. There are great things Canada has done I’m sure as well. Same with pretty much every country. Just as there are bad things, there’s also good things that again basically every country on Earth has done.

Now of course history is bound to repeat itself at certain points, but we can at least spare to learn history because that way you at least have a good portion of people that know it’s WRONG and can do something against those sorts of events.

@Kie group

I'd just like to say this: People have always sucked ass and will continue sucking ass because power struggles always have and always will be a thing.

@saor_illust school

why tf am i listening to storytime with laika about seb instead of doing my hw??????????

(i don't believe i've ever mentioned seb on here, good thing i haven't, the things he's done… are so fucked up in so many ways)
(and i just kinda needed to rant so yall can just ignore this)

Deleted user

So my dumb ass self went on a walk, and forgot my house keys, i lost track of the time…and …was locked out of my own house i panicked and ran i almost contemplated on jumping off a bridge and i almost did. But then i snapped out of it and i went on run and stubbed my toe and almost got kidnapped. and i went to my grandparents .Now I might get sent to CAPS.

@Anemone eco

Okay, Lizzy. Sorry that that happened. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours and that you may feel better someday.

@The-Magician group

An American example by an American:

At the end of the Civil War
America: “YOU’RE FREE”
America: “Except not really, we still have so much shit to do”

That's the same for over here as well. No one is truly free, not really, no matter what country they are born in.
This is why I plan to fall from the grid at some point, because I don't want to deal with society anymore. I would rather live in a world where nature has claimed it for its own and there are only a select few humans who have to potentially repopulate the planet. I want to live in a world where it's hunt or be hunted, where you need tracking skills to survive and the knowledge of how to start a fire with the bare minimum of equipment.
You're either thinking "that's a dumb idea" or "that's a good idea". It's neither.
It's not dumb, because in a sense, living in that kind of world allows you to adapt as a human—provided you survive long enough.
But it's not good because there is so much emotional, physical, and mental trauma that comes with it because the new environment will come as a great shock to the system. Most people panic in those kinds of situations, and it's when you start to panic that you make mistakes. But being anxious also keeps you alert, and in a world where you need to hunt to survive, being attentive is what will save your life.

Sorry.. I'm just having a moment..

@Kie group

Uh. I'd like to say that I believe the benefits of modern society far outweigh those of just living in the wild. Half of the people you know probably wouldn't be alive in a 'hunt to survive' situation where you need to be very knowledgable just to do a task that modernization has made simple.

I'm well aware that there will always be a group of people whose situation sucks but nothing can really be done to balance everything out.