forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Now you all may be wondering why I am awake at 2:00 am when I have an AP test tomorrow, well you see… that is a good question. The answer: I have no self control and the book was calling my name


This is extremely unimportant and completely unrelated but Jyn I’m just gonna inform you that in my dream last night we tried to have a roast battle with entirely Star Wars quotes but I only know “Luke, I am your father” and the sand one so I just kept calling you sand

That is all

Deleted user

I slept for nearly 10 hours, and yet I'm still tired
what the hell

Sometimes when you sleep for too long you're still tired because you just want to continue sleeping.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Today my history assignment is the holocaust.
I will be back at some point.
I don't know what emotional state i will be in.
Probably tears.
Also the stuff about 15-20 pages back hit hard.

Deleted user

So, update on my brain last night:
It was a really weird feeling that ended with me having a panic attack, sobbing, and eventually falling asleep where I had a PTSD nightmare. I was my dad, he was in highschool, and his ex-girlfriend named Stacy who died in a car accident that year was there. There was a snap and suddenly things were happening that are much too terrible to put here.

But that's PTSD for you.


I slept for nearly 10 hours, and yet I'm still tired
what the hell

Sometimes when you sleep for too long you're still tired because you just want to continue sleeping.

I'm aware. That's irrelevant.

People my age should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep per night. I essentially had the best-case scenario for sleeping, and yet I still woke up tired.

Do you get it now?


SO. For those who remember my despair last night over Chemistry, I just finished the final and have sent it in

I am…worried, but kinda hopeful? Either way the class is over and i don't have to deal with it again. I don't know what my final grade is yet. But thank you for all the help and kind words last night, everyone

Deleted user


Deleted user

SO. For those who remember my despair last night over Chemistry, I just finished the final and have sent it in

I am…worried, but kinda hopeful? Either way the class is over and i don't have to deal with it again. I don't know what my final grade is yet. But thank you for all the help and kind words last night, everyone

That’s amazing, Ice. Hope is always good. I myself hope that you get a good score, and that we managed to help at least a little.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Can I just mention that I am ashamed of my country's history.
Canada has a really fucked up past.
(For context, I'm working through a lesson on the holocaust, and reading about the fact that the president at the time bought up land around his house SPECIFICALLY so people he didnt like couldnt live near him disgusts me.)


SO. For those who remember my despair last night over Chemistry, I just finished the final and have sent it in

I am…worried, but kinda hopeful? Either way the class is over and i don't have to deal with it again. I don't know what my final grade is yet. But thank you for all the help and kind words last night, everyone

That’s amazing, Ice. Hope is always good. I myself hope that you get a good score, and that we managed to help at least a little.

:D yup! Thank you so much again

@Pickles group

Can I just mention that I am ashamed of my country's history.
Canada has a really fucked up past.
(For context, I'm working through a lesson on the holocaust, and reading about the fact that the president at the time bought up land around his house SPECIFICALLY so people he didnt like couldnt live near him disgusts me.)

That's the part about the Holocaust that you have a problem with?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

No I have plenty of problems with it, like the fact that it ever happened, and the fact that Canada refused to help about 796000 people, 98 of which were Jewish orphans.
The whole thing makes me feel sick.

Deleted user

I missed out- You're talking about the holocaust right?

Deleted user

uhh yeah if you read back up like, two posts you’ll find out