forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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he;j s' here
i'm ehim???????????????????????????

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

oemrhint weiordis happeing owih my brian

Your brain appears to be malfunctioning. This is likely due to severe lack of sleep….. Go. To. SLEEEEEEEP!!!!

Pretty ironic that an insomniac is telling another one to go to sleep….

@Pickles group

Emailed my application. I hope they actually get it

……. I might have accidentally sent it twice and now I'm freaking out


You know A friend of mine did my least favorite thing they've ever done today.

I've been extremely emotionally not great for the past week or so, in other words very emotionally vulnerable. On Saturday I messaged this individual and talked a bit about how my day was, Now this person on multiple occasions has said something along the lines of "I enjoy hearing from you and I like knowing how you're doing."(This is probably because of some very deep problems that I have and they are aware of) So I tend to just kinda let them know how I feel that day, It means they worry less and I get it off of my chest. On Saturday I said " revealing all of those emotions right now really isn't a good Idea, best to just store them away under some sarcastic plaster and uncover it later." And I didn't tell them about my emotional state I said hey I'm a bit emotionally vulnerable right now maybe let's not talk about this while I might say things I regret later. I made it very clear that I did not want to talk about my emotions and did not want them to ask about them because I would probably say something I regret. This individual knows that when I'm in an emotionally vulnerable state I will answer any question I am asked, in detail. So yesterday Was the breaking point and I cried a lot and was extra emotionally not ok and not entirely in control of my words and actions and this individual asks me "How are you? How are you feeling? AP tests start this Thursday for you right? I hope you aren’t too worried. Please don’t stress about it. You will do well and it will be fine. You’ve got this. If you don’t mind me asking, what was the thing you didn’t want to bring up last time? I’m quite curious to know." Me in my very broken state of mind, Answer's all of those questions ends up saying things that I did not intend to and am not entirely comfortable sharing with this person about some problems I'm having emotionally and some self esteem issues. And this individual, whom I care a lot about and normally can not stay mad at for more than 5 minutes, Hasn't responded. I am extremely… Peeved. (I'm more than Peeved but I have a reputation to keep so I will not say the thing's I am thinking about this individual right now)
Now had I said all of those thing's out of the blue I wouldn't be that bothered about this, This person has a tendency to vanish for a few day's at a time and randomly pop out of the ground like daisies. However, I said these things because I was, and quite frankly still am, quite emotionally vulnerable and I was asked about it. They asked me when they knew I was in a state where I would say more than I feel comfortable saying, after I explicitly said "Hey I'm in a bit of an emotionally unstable spot and probably shouldn't be talking about my feelings." They asked anyway, and because I had just broken I answered and exactly what I told them would happen if I answered, happened. And then they up and vanished. They knew I was emotionally vulnerable, they knew that if they directly asked me I would answer, and they didn't bother sticking around long enough to get back to me. That's a jerk move, You don't do that to people. They essentially, took advantage of my vulnerable state asked me questions, knowing I would answer them more than I would like to, And Vanished. I don't care if this was on accident, I don't care if they're meditating on an answer. I care that they hecking asked when they knew I was in no state to think properly enough to not answer. I care that they knew all of this would happen, asked any way and then didn't have the gut's to even respond after words. Don't provoke the Dragon unless you are prepared for battle. Do not ask me about my issues when I'm upset unless you are prepared to respond to them.

@Kie group

Sorry that happened Relsey. It's tough when someone you trust/love asks how you are but then doesn't give a response once you actually share your thoughts.

@Kie group

My right shoulder aches at random sometimes. I don't know why, but it's annoying and I'd describe it as more uncomfortable than painful. Since it's so uncomfortable, I will have to postpone my falling asleep.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My right shoulder aches at random sometimes. I don't know why, but it's annoying and I'd describe it as more uncomfortable than painful. Since it's so uncomfortable, I will have to postpone my falling asleep.

Do you happen to sleep on your right side?

@Kie group

My right shoulder aches at random sometimes. I don't know why, but it's annoying and I'd describe it as more uncomfortable than painful. Since it's so uncomfortable, I will have to postpone my falling asleep.

Do you happen to sleep on your right side?

Nope. I sleep on my left.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My right shoulder aches at random sometimes. I don't know why, but it's annoying and I'd describe it as more uncomfortable than painful. Since it's so uncomfortable, I will have to postpone my falling asleep.

Do you happen to sleep on your right side?

Nope. I sleep on my left.

Huh…. Perhaps you injured yourself somehow.