forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

i'm going to fail chemistry

it's too hard, and i didn't do one of the major homework assignments, so i'm getting a zero on it

the final is tomorrow and I haven't studied

I'm going to fail

and my parents won't understand that I can't do it, that it's not something I understand no matter how hard i fucking try, and so they'll blame it all on me. if i don't get an A then I'm failing, so if I pass this with a C they'll say I have to repeat it next year to fix my goddamn grade and i just

i can't do this anymore

I care about History, spanish, literature, hell even math

but i can't do chemistry, i just can't

I'm going to fail it and i'm going to cry about it and my parents will just say it's all my fault and that i didn't try hard enough when they never helped me when i asked for it. they never ever sat down and even tried to help me, yet somehow this will all be my fault and i just can't do it anymore

Chem was one of the classes I was actually pretty good at, but that was in o'10-o'11….


It's writing a paragraph and answering the questions and I can't think of anything to say

"I am well fit for this position becasue I belive that I am capable of teaching my fellow floutests. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive I would be well fit for this position. I also belive that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experence here) Finally I love music and feel I could be of most assistants to the class and my peers in this posisiton"

"I am well fit for this position becasue because (you can use the word 'for' as well) I belive believe (feel can even be used) that I am capable of teaching my fellow flautists. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive believe I would be well fit for this position. I also belive believe that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experencehere insert experience). Finally, I love music and feel I could be of most assistants assistance to the class and my peers in thisposisiton position (I'd include why you feel this).

Ah, I tend to spell thing's wrong, and I tend not to proof read when I'm not supposed to be on notebook. Thank you for pointing out flaw of mine that I'm verry insicure about, I really apreciate it. Just makes me feel warm and fussy inside.

Deleted user


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It's writing a paragraph and answering the questions and I can't think of anything to say

"I am well fit for this position becasue I belive that I am capable of teaching my fellow floutests. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive I would be well fit for this position. I also belive that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experence here) Finally I love music and feel I could be of most assistants to the class and my peers in this posisiton"

"I am well fit for this position becasue because (you can use the word 'for' as well) I belive believe (feel can even be used) that I am capable of teaching my fellow flautists. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive believe I would be well fit for this position. I also belive believe that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experencehere insert experience). Finally, I love music and feel I could be of most assistants assistance to the class and my peers in thisposisiton position (I'd include why you feel this).

Ah, I tend to spell thing's wrong, and I tend not to proof read when I'm not supposed to be on notebook. Thank you for pointing out flaw of mine that I'm verry insicure about, I really apreciate it. Just makes me feel warm and fussy inside.

Oh gosh….. I'm sincerely sorry about that!!!!!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i wanted to reread ATC again
problem is
it's too fresh in my mind
'n i want to erase the last memory i have of rereading atc from start to finish
so i can read it for the first time again
there are no words to explain how blown away i was by the story when i started

I feel so honored???

Like for real people re-read it?

Um. Yeah?


Oh gosh….. I'm sincerely sorry about that!!!!!

It's alright. For future reference, that's a bit of a sore spot. I didn't mean to snap back either I apologize for that. Life has just not been kind to me for the past few day's and it is starting to get to me.

Deleted user

i wanted to reread ATC again
problem is
it's too fresh in my mind
'n i want to erase the last memory i have of rereading atc from start to finish
so i can read it for the first time again
there are no words to explain how blown away i was by the story when i started

I feel so honored???

Like for real people re-read it?

Um. Yeah?

I had….no idea.
I thought to read it once and be done with it. XD

Shameless plug.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Oh gosh….. I'm sincerely sorry about that!!!!!

It's alright. For future reference, that's a bit of a sore spot. I didn't mean to snap back either I apologize for that. Life has just not been kind to me for the past few day's and it is starting to get to me.

I get it…. I don't like having my errors pointed out in my writing. I prefer to look for them on my own, but it does help to know what to look for; it helps me learn and grow as a writer.