forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I just remembered that we have frosted mini wheats and now I can't wait for morning. I may not go to bed just so I can eat them at like, five. Ooooh then I could have TWO breakfasts because no one would know about the first

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just remembered that we have frosted mini wheats and now I can't wait for morning. I may not go to bed just so I can eat them at like, five. Ooooh then I could have TWO breakfasts because no one would know about the first

We've had one yes, but what about second breakfast? -Pippin | Lord ...

@Pickles group

Update: I'm no longer excited, just very stressed. I remembered that section leader apps are due tomorrow at 3 and I haven't started mine

@Anemone eco

You've got this, Lizzie. Don't discourage yourself. If you spend all of your time in your head telling yourself that you can't do it, then you're bound to fail. So get out of your head about it a little. Words are hard, but I'm sure you'll be able to push through it if you really try.

Not inspirational, but the best I've got. Good luck.

@Pickles group

· Why you wish to serve as section leader and why you should be selected
· What attributes you can bring to both your section and the ensemble
· What challenges you’ve had to overcome as a marching band member
· How you’ve overcome those challenges


It's writing a paragraph and answering the questions and I can't think of anything to say

"I am well fit for this position becasue I belive that I am capable of teaching my fellow floutests. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive I would be well fit for this position. I also belive that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experence here) Finally I love music and feel I could be of most assistants to the class and my peers in this posisiton"

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It's writing a paragraph and answering the questions and I can't think of anything to say

"I am well fit for this position becasue I belive that I am capable of teaching my fellow floutests. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive I would be well fit for this position. I also belive that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experence here) Finally I love music and feel I could be of most assistants to the class and my peers in this posisiton"

"I am well fit for this position becasue because (you can use the word 'for' as well) I belive believe (feel can even be used) that I am capable of teaching my fellow flautists. I have had this skill tested when ( insert personal story here) leading me to belive believe I would be well fit for this position. I also belive believe that my leader ship skills are well developed and have been tested by (Incert experencehere insert experience). Finally, I love music and feel I could be of most assistants assistance to the class and my peers in thisposisiton position (I'd include why you feel this).


i'm going to fail chemistry

it's too hard, and i didn't do one of the major homework assignments, so i'm getting a zero on it

the final is tomorrow and I haven't studied

I'm going to fail

and my parents won't understand that I can't do it, that it's not something I understand no matter how hard i fucking try, and so they'll blame it all on me. if i don't get an A then I'm failing, so if I pass this with a C they'll say I have to repeat it next year to fix my goddamn grade and i just

i can't do this anymore

I care about History, spanish, literature, hell even math

but i can't do chemistry, i just can't

I'm going to fail it and i'm going to cry about it and my parents will just say it's all my fault and that i didn't try hard enough when they never helped me when i asked for it. they never ever sat down and even tried to help me, yet somehow this will all be my fault and i just can't do it anymore

Deleted user

I'd like to vent about the fact that due to previous events, I can't even look at a newbie's profile without questioning if it's someone else whose damage we're trying to move past. I'm pissed that people have messed up my trust this much.

@The-Magician group

Realistically, will your parents physically force you to retake if you pass with a C?
Also, have they never heard of the phrase "Cs get degrees"?
They should still be fucking proud of you no matter what grade you come out with because you have tried your damned hardest, and all in the attempts to please them. If they can't see that you have done your best, especially when it has been for their sake, then they don't deserve to have you as the amazing, hardworking individual you are.
And I'm sorry, but the fact that they have put so much pressure on you and not even bothered to feckin help is unacceptable and they should be ashamed as parents.


I dropped out of chemistry so I feel your pain.

I begged my parents to let me quit. I fucking begged my mom to let me do a different class, but she wouldn't let me, and now i'm going to fail, because she made me do a class that i literally can't do

@Kie group

I'm going to fail it and i'm going to cry about it and my parents will just say it's all my fault and that i didn't try hard enough when they never helped me when i asked for it. they never ever sat down and even tried to help me, yet somehow this will all be my fault and i just can't do it anymore

Parents fucking suck when it comes to school. They act as though it's always the child's fault like there aren't any underlying problems with the school system and the pressure it puts on everybody.

Do you have any friends you're able to contact for help, or maybe you could email the teacher asking for help/explaining that you're having a tough time with the content?

Deleted user

i wanted to reread ATC again
problem is
it's too fresh in my mind
'n i want to erase the last memory i have of rereading atc from start to finish
so i can read it for the first time again
there are no words to explain how blown away i was by the story when i started

I feel so honored???

Like for real people re-read it?