Winter grabbed Estelle's hand. "Here. Let me show you Hoth. Let me help you remember your past…" As a cloud of mist and snow enveloped them both. Winter hoped it would help, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe it wouls shock Estelle even more…
Essar sighed. "Sorry. I just…" He sighed again. "5 just…" He swallowed. "It reminded me of some things when she snapped the imperial's neck." "I said I was sorry Essar!" "I know 5!"
Estelle blinked. Snow surrounded her, then settled. She was still with Winter, but was somewhere new.
Elias looked up. "What did it remind you of Essar? I know it reminded me of Hoth. When I snapped that snowtrooper's neck, for the armor that I needed to get off of that blasted planet…"
Winter smiled. "Estelle, this is my memory of you, and of Hoth. I'm so excited that it worked! I've tried so hard for it to work, and now… Look. See you through my eyes. What do you see?"
Essar sighed (Again) and sat down heavily in a chair. "The day the marauders attacked the outpost. They'd lined up the head honchos and snapped their necks in front of everyone."
Estelle squatted down and suddenly began to cry. She didn't mean to. She wasn't trying it. It just… happened.
Elias shuddered. "That reminded me of what Winter said. Instead of snapping their necks, the shot them. Instead of the leaders, it was her family…"
(Save your life! It's not worth the risk!)
Winter gently touched Estelle's shoulder. "It's a little overwhelming. It's ok to cry. Search my thoughts for anything you want to know about your old self. Or, if you think you're ready, Look at the memory I tried so hard to hide. The day I thought you died…"
"A little?!" Estelle buried her head in her arms.
Essar nodded. Hi-5 turned in her seat. "Where should I set course for?"
"Ummmm… Ok, more than a little… Just, find anything you want here. The first day I met you, or the last time I saw you. Anything between those 2 points…" Winter said as she scratched her head.
Elias grinned. "Hoth. NO DON'T. IT'S A JOKE. I don't care Essar, where ever there is a safe place to hide…"
Essar nodded. "Right now, I just want to distance ourselves from Naboo. Take us a few parsecs away 5." Hi-5 nodded, priming the engine for lightspeed.
"Ummmm… Ok, more than a little… Just, find anything you want here. The first day I met you, or the last time I saw you. Anything between those 2 points…" Winter said as she scratched her head.
Estelle hesitated. "The last time."
Winter let in a long low breath. "That's a tough one. Are you sure?"
"No!" Estelle wiped her face, but the tears were pouring out too fast. "I… I don't know. I can't tell anymore."
"I'm going to show you anyway. I was in my room, when you, then Snowbird, ran into my room and woke me up telling me that I had to get away from here because the Imperials had found me. I collected all of my belongings, and hid in a special place that my parents had made just in case something like this ever happened. Suddenly, after I hid, the Imperials burst into my room, and Snowbird played as me. I watched her. She refused the Imperials, and one of them grabbed her by the neck. I heard a sickening crack, and I saw them drop her lifeless body on the ground. They all spit on her, and they each shot her dead body once. I was trying not to cry. After they left my room, I heard blaster shots come from the main room where everybody else slept. Then, after about an hour of screaming, and blaster fire, all was quiet. I drifted off into a restless sleep, and woke up the next morning forgetting what had happened. I crawled out of my hiding place, and remembered everything. I mourned over you, and then I looked out of my door. I was scarred. All of my people, all 600 of them were dead, it reeked of blood. There were no survivors. I couldn't stand that place, I ran out with tears streaming down my face, and away from all that I knew. A 12 year old, facing Hoth by herself, and whose armour, had brought nothing but death and torture to her people. I still have nightmares about it, even after six years, when I knew that I couldn't have stopped it. Anyway, that's my last memory of you and our people…" Winter sighed. She knew that this had to hit Estelle pretty hard…
Estelle wailed. The winds picked up. A tight-knit cloud formed around her.