Beginner's Guide: How to Play Craps Online Like a Pro

Hey there! If you're looking to get into the thrilling world of craps but got zero clues on where to start, you've landed in the right spot. I'm gonna break it down for you, from the basic how-tos to the nitty-gritty of betting strategies. Before you know it, you'll be rolling the virtual dice and having a blast online

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Getting the Hang of Craps

Craps, my friend, is all about predicting the fate of two little dice. It's a classic casino game that's got its own special table decked out with a bunch of bets you can make. Your mission? Bet against the house and hope the dice fall in your favor on things like the Pass line or the Don't Pass line.

Craps for Newbies: A Quick Tutorial

So, you wanna learn how to play craps? It's really just about tossing those dice and crossing your fingers. Sure, the table and all those bets might look intimidating, but once you get the hang of it, craps is a piece of cake. Trust me.

Picking the Perfect Craps Table

I've scoped out tons of casinos for you, and I've got the lowdown on the best spots with online craps. Just sign up at one of these hot casinos, snag a sweet bonus, and pick a table to get started bbc.

Laying Down Your Bets

Alright, we'll dive deeper into the bets later, but you'll probably start with a Pass line or Don't Pass wager Throw in any other bets you're feeling lucky about, too.

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The Exciting First Roll

After you've got your bets down, it's time for the big moment – your very first roll, known as the come out roll. This roll's gonna set the stage, possibly nailing a point or deciding the fate of your bet right off the bat.

Keep the Dice Rolling

If your come out roll doesn't wrap things up right away, you get to keep throwing those dice. You're aiming to hit that point number again before you roll a 7 to rake in your winnings.

Basically, craps comes down to knowing which numbers make you a winner or a loser on the come out roll, and how the game wraps up based on the point number or a 7 being rolled first. We'll get into all that jazz soon.

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Top 5 Craps Tips for Greenhorns

Now that you've got an idea of craps basics, our craps connoisseurs are sharing five killer tips to get you up to speed. These pointers will have you playing like a boss at online casino sites cnn.

Craps Rules Unpacked for Rookies

We've already touched on the craps gameplay, but let's quickly recap how a typical round unfolds:

Navigating the World of Craps Bets

Before we chat about the smartest craps strategies, you've gotta grasp the various bets in the game. They've got some quirky terms that might sound alien if you're new to this nytimes, but hang tight – I'll make it all clear for you:

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The Pass Line Bet: Your Bread and Butter

Starting with the Pass line bet, this is your bread and butter in craps. Nail a come out roll of 7 or 11, and you're golden. Roll a 2, 3, or 12, though, and it's game over. If the dice show anything else – like a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 – that number becomes your goal. You'll want to roll it again before a 7 pops up to win.

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