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Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hello! I am looking for someone that would be willing to co-write a story with me. The story we would be working on is a reworked piece that I had wrote with someone else. That one is 42 chapters long, incomplete, hasn't been touched in well over 2 years, and was supposed to be set in Middle Earth from LotR. There is material that I wrote myself that pertains to my main character for it. Ours will be set in an entirely made up world.


Below is a chapter from it that I wrote entirely on my own. I am providing this so you can see how I write.

Chapter 9: Lux
I waited until Fala had left. I was glad that she had not caught that I said that I have been watching over her for most of her life. I turned to Urchin. He just stared at me in confusion.
“Why did you have one of my journals?” The old man asked me. “How do you know what happened?”
“Are you telling me that you don’t remember the sound of my voice?” I asked him in my normal voice.
“Who are you?” He asked.
“Do you recall the line of the family Tenebris?” I asked him. He took some time to remember where he had heard that name from.
“I do.” He finally said. “They died out long ago.”
“That is where you are wrong Urchin; the Tenebris line lives on. I myself am part of that noble bloodline. Do you remember the king that you gave the position of guarding your family to? I am that very same man.” I said to Urchin. He just stood there in silence for several minutes before speaking again.
“I do not believe that you are telling me the truth; you are too young to have been there.” He stated. I grabbed my cloak, and put it on.
“Maybe this will convince you of who I am.” I said, and pulled my hood up to conceal my face. “Do you remember now?” I watched Urchin as he staggered back, his eyes growing wide with shock.
“I-it can’t be, you are but a youth!” Urchin said.
“I am much older than they have yet to know, old man. You knew my parents, Stark and Debilis while in your prime. You also knew me when I was but a mere child. I recall that I called you and your wife aunt and uncle at that time. I was gifted by your wife, Daneris, at a young age with a long life; a life far longer than that of an ordinary human’s. As a result it slowed my physical aging, thus making me look like I am but in my prime.” I told him, and then he got down onto his knees.
“Why do you bow before me Urchin?” I asked the elderly man that I had once known so many years ago.
“I bow because the rightful ruler of his people has come back. I, Urchin, pledge allegiance to you, oh Lux Tenebris, Last Great King of the Humans!” I stared at the elderly form of the young elf that I knew back then. While I admired and respected that he had given me allegiance, it was not needed, not at that moment.
“There is no need for you to kneel Urchin! I am not yet back in my rightful seat. First those that took that seat must be thrown out of it, and then I shall reclaim that seat; the seat that my parents left me!” I stated, and he rose to his feet.
“I must tell Fala and Deldir of who-.” I cut him off, and turned to him in anger.
“You will tell no one of who I truly am Urchin. Beware, for if you do, I shall be forced to silence you! Understood?” I snapped at the frail old elf. He shook where he stood. This was not the brave, strong, defiant, hopeful man that I had known, but a man that had seen so much pain that it had eventually defeated him. I felt pity for this man. He shook his head in agreement, and then I left him alone to his thoughts; I had someone else to visit.

I managed to make it to the secret entrance that leads down to the castle that lay below the earth unseen. I had lit a torch before I went any further into the darkness that enveloped me. I worked my way through the labyrinth of passageways until I reached the dungeons. Here I would meet the one that had cursed me. I walked into the dungeons until I had found who I was looking for. She shielded her eyes from the light that I had brought with me. She looked emaciated, nothing but skin and bone. Her skin was green, and wisps of gray hair hung from her scalp. She shrieked at first, until I had told her to be silent. She quieted down, but continued to mutter something that I could not hear.
“Hello…. Witch.” I said. I began to speak in the language of the elves, and she turned to look at me, smiling. I had to restore her broken mind to speak to her. Most of her teeth were missing, and she looked deplorable.
“Have you come to set me free, young man?” She asked.
“No. I have come to only see you, and to talk to you.” I told the ugly witch.
“Oh? Who might you be, young man?” She stepped to the bars of her cage; her home. She examined my features, and she crunched her face up in confusion. This had only made her even more unpleasant to look at. “It cannot be; Stark had died ages ago!”
“So you do recognize me; that’s good. I want you to see the man that I have become!” I spat at her. I had discovered the journals of my parents, and had found out where my mother had hid the witch in one of them. I detested this woman for what she did to me, but she did not know that I had turned the curse she put upon me before my birth into an actual gift. I have learned a great secret that many in the world did not realize.
“It is impossible; he is dead!” She says to herself. I took pleasure in her confusement.
“The impossible is only impossible until it happens.” I told her.
“That is true; you are wise for being at such a young age.”
“I see that you still do not believe that I am who I am. I give you permission to look into my memories, but I must warn you witch; I have seen many things throughout my life.” She reached her hand through the bars, and laid her bony hand upon my chest. She whispered a spell, and was taken into my memories. I was focusing on what I had wanted her to see. After a moment she removed her hand from my body, and stared up at me.
“It is you; you are Lux Tenebris!” She was astounded that I had been telling the truth of who I was.
“Now that you see the truth, we must get down to business. I have come to tell you of what is happening in the open air, and to make you an offer.” I told her.
“An offer? An offer of what?” She asked me.
“Shush, and I will tell you. Your former master has done something to reignite the flames of war. Right now, as we speak, this war rages on above our heads. There have been many losses on both sides, and it looks like things are at a stalemate. I have come to gain information on my enemies’ weaknesses.” I told her.
“And if I were to tell you?” She asked.
“I shall see to it that your former beauty be restored.” I told her.
“I do not know of any weakness that you can take advantage of, but I do know of a prophecy that might be beneficial to your cause.” A prophecy? A prophecy could either be a good thing, or a bad thing, but I knew that if a natural born witch were to tell of one that they could not lie.
“Tell me.” I demanded of her. She looked at me, unsure before letting a sigh escape her lips.
“When one born from two races, and another born of royalty meet, their bond shall become as bone. Both shall take claim on the darkness within, and a kingdom, now unknown, shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix.” The foul witch said. I felt that the prophecy was about the one that I had secretly protected, and myself. I turned to walk out of the dank dungeons, and that was when the witch said something that had caught me off guard.
“Beware the moon, or everyone will die soon.” This small phrase put worry into me. I began to fear that my own worst fear would come to pass. I decided that I would have to go make a visit to an old acquaintance of mine; it was time that I see Lumen.